Dieting makes you feel like a failure. But you are not a failure.  It’s time to make room for growth. To learn to love yourself radically. 

You are the expert on you, I’m the expert on assisting you to fall in love with yourself!

Ready to fall?!

coaching with me

I do not provide a quick fix or band-aid strategy; this is a life transformation built on self-trust and autonomy from the inside, out. Unlike other programs, I teach you sustainable practices that will last a lifetime… no more on-again, off-again with your health! 

By using Intuitive Eating (a philosophy of eating developed by Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch), Health At Every Size (a weight neutral approach to health and wellness, developed by the Association for Size Diversity and Health), and body respect, I help you develop a peaceful and compassionate relationship with your body and food.

Sound like the path you want to be on?

I’d love support you on your journey.

You are so welcome here.

I offer an inclusive, compassionate,
safe place for you to learn.

does this sound like you?

● You compare your body to others
● You are constantly thinking about food
● You have an on again, off again relationship with diets, detoxes, and fasting
● You are on the roller coaster of weight gain and weight loss
● You find yourself binge eating food
● Your emotional well being is tied to your body image
● Your worth is tied to the number on your scale
● You workout to compensate for food
● You are stuck in all or nothing thinking

what if you could have this?

● You respect your body and truly love it.
● You have made peace with food and will never diet again
● You are off that roller coaster and back in your own power
● You have compassion for your body and have regained self-trust
● You know you are worthy because of who you are as a whole, not your physical body. Period.
● You move your body for joy instead of obligation.
● You have redefined your health & wellness and have made space to really live!

I offer different options, both 1:1 & group programs, for you to choose from, whatever stage of your body love journey you’re on.

body love blueprint +

Click each program title to get more details.

A 90-minute call designed to re-imagine and map out what wellness means to you

We will discuss where you are at and explore the possibilities of where you can go in your discovery of more kindness, peace, and self-compassion. We’ll give you a blueprint that you can use in your everyday life, including resources and, of course, support from me! We’ll reset and reimagine what health and wellness could look like with a plan based on uplifting and empowering YOU.


map it


Here's a taste of what we'll cover: 

weeks 1-4

weeks 5-8

The program starts off with a bang, introducing you to Intuitive Eating.  We spend the first 4 weeks focused on diet culture and your relationship with food. We take practical steps to making peace with food, and reconnecting to your body's intuitive signals. 

The second half of focuses on your relationship with your body and yourself. We will actively explore body image healing, self-love, and self-value beyond the physical. The program will culminate in the marriage of all 8 weeks and the tools we cultivate together. 

give me the deets

a 4-month program designed to turn the knowledge you already have into applicable self-love practice

know it

feel it

be it

do it

The ‘it’ here is YOU! We will get to know what life as your best self means to you. We will make a plan to guide you on how to stop the dieting cycle, what societal pressures have affected you, and give you tools to deal with your emotions around food and body.

Once you have a better understanding and knowledge of yourself, we put all the information into action. We will begin to explore what food freedom feels like, and how to navigate body image healing and societal standards.

This is all about experiencing life in a new way. We will work together to ensure that you have the skills to maneuver everything life throws at you. With the tools you gained up to this point, you will begin to see your dream life materialize in your real life!

Finally, you take the reins and thrive. You will take all of the lessons in our journey together and feel empowered to continue the work independently. The transformation leads to sustainable living for the rest of your life.

tell me more

Looking for something more a la carte? I've got you covered! Let's take it one session at a time. This option is for you if you want more of an open-ended option to help you stop fighting your body and start truly loving yourself. We can meet for just a month or keep things open-ended. it's up to you! 

You determine how much you need. get  as much or as little as you see fit. 

book a consultation call

curious about the investment?

I get it. investing in yourself and working with a coach can feel like a leap of faith. 

But you are so worth it, and the return on investment is so high. this is your sign to go for it. there is so much to gain.

Download the pricing guide

bOOK A free consultation call

my coaching includes:

★ 1:1 or group calls over the course of the whichever program you choose to guide your unique process

★ Accountability. You have my support even through the really hard parts.

★ Me, with you, for 100% of the process, every step of the way. You have access to support with me 24/7 for the duration of your program.

★ An individualized process, designed to fit your needs and preferences.

★ Joy-filled sessions that welcome you as you are, where you are, no matter who you are.

★ Research-backed guidance including Intuitive Eating, Health At Every Size, and Body Kindness.

next review

With the help of Alexandra, I found my inner voice. I am actually able to listen to what I want & need with self-compassion. The amount of freedom I feel is so, so incredible, but the amount of love I have built for myself and my body is something I honestly never thought I would have. I am so grateful to Alexandra for her guidance to healing and body kindness. I could not recommend Alexandra enough.


My mental outlook has drastically improved after coaching with Alexandra! I’m now in a more self-assured place in my life because of the tools and encouragement she has given me. I’m very lucky to call her an inspiration and a friend, too!

- alex

Alexandra  made every step feel like a natural progression of what I need. She has been a guiding light in improving my relationship with my body and self-confidence.


Throughout our three months together I overcame so many obstacles on my journey and have truly made so many strides. Alexandra is a wonderful coach and all around amazing human. 

- alISON

Alexandra has been my biggest cheerleader and her compassion is so calming. She made me feel comfortable being vulnerable and talking about my feelings. Everything was personally tailored for my own experience.  I could not recommend her expertise, her kindness, and her grace more! 

- RObby 

Coaching with Alexandra has been a total game changer for me! We worked together to come up with attainable, energizing goals that worked best for me personally and brought me a lot of joy along the way. I cannot speak highly enough of Alexandra and am so incredibly grateful for her support on my journey!


Alexandra has helped me change my mindset around food and my body so that I no longer feel constant guilt when I eat the foods i enjoy....I am 100% certain I would not be in the place i am right now if it were not for Alexandra. This program has given me the tools to help me the rest of my life and I am forever grateful.

- Sarah 

frequently asked questions

If you are interested in the Body Love Blueprint, just book the call and fill out the questionnaire that you receive before our call. If you are looking at any of the others, head to their specific pages and book a free consultation! You will hear from me shortly!

Each program is priced differently. I offer different payment plans and flexible payment options for each program, in order make it accessible to you and where you are at. I like to discuss price on a consultation call, so we can work together to make sure you land exactly where you need to be. No cookie cutter's here! 
But, if you'd like to know before we chat...

Download my pricing guide

It has been shown time and times again that dieting, and intentional weight loss, do not work in the long
run. They lead to higher body dissatisfaction, a disordered relationship with food, and weight cycling. All
of which can be detrimental to your actual health. Choosing this road is a choice for compassionate
self-care and healthy living, that is focused on your well being and not your weight.

Intentional weight loss does not work, and focus on this takes away from cultivating a strong relationship with your body and with food. Through Intuitive Eating, your body should find it’s natural set-point, which is where it lands when it is nourished, cared for, safe, and respected. Instead of looking at your body as a problem to be fixed, we will work together to focus on all that you are.

Nope! I do both telephone calls and zoom calls, whichever you prefer.

Depending on your situation and specific needs, I may ask you to get a book or to read along with our work. If there is any issue, we can work together to figure it out.

I love keeping in touch with my former clients, and I love following where life takes them after our time together. I do offer continued support after programs with the option of continuing our work together. This is very individual, but we will work together to make sure you feel supported for as long as you need. If there is any issue, we can work together to figure it out.

No. While we will deal with personal aspects like body image and your relationship with food, coaching is different than therapy. We do not do the in-depth work that therapy does. In very simple terms therapy heals your past, coaching builds your future.