In today’s world, we are inundated with information, opinions, and ideas. There is an endless stream of outside sources (informed and uninformed) telling you what you should, shouldn’t, can, can’t, will, and won’t do. But what if we started looking within for guidance? It might seem cliche to say this, but, you already have everything you need within you. And, if you are able to listen to your body, instead of outsourcing your wellbeing, you would be so much better off for it.
So, I want to tell you three of the things I find most often people’s bodies are trying to tell them, but that often go unnoticed. Ready to tune in?
We are so used to not trusting ourselves. We push, we override, we tune out. But our bodies are so much more brilliant than we give them credit for, and listening in to them will provide value than any other outside source.
I know, I know, it sounds like a lot of woo-hoo. But, here’s the thing, does outsourcing your body’s signals really work? How often do you find yourself feeling frustrated with your body? Feeling angry? Or miserable? Or unsatisfied? Instead of fighting it, life is so much better when you work with your body. So, here are 3 things that you might be missing.
This is a big one. We live in hustle culture. It feels like if we are not being productive, then we are doing it wrong. But, let’s set the record straight. Rest. Is. Productive. Productivity has been sold to us as one of the only ways to measure our success, but rest and breaks are equally as important. Plus, science has proven that taking breaks makes you more productive.
So, give yourself some grace. If your body is telling you that you need rest, honor it. Sometimes this manifests as feeling tired, or sore, or restless, or grouchy. There are many ways, and all of them are totally individual. Get curious, start discovering how your body tells you it needs rest, and then enjoy honoring it!
Okay, this one is important too. We have been indoctrinated with so many rules, regulations, and morals around food and eating, that establishing a connection with our bodies and their needs is not easy. However, we were all born with the innate knowledge and power to listen to our bodies, honor their signals, and have a healthy, nourishing, pleasurable relationship with food. It’s time to reclaim that. Reconnecting with your inner Intuitive Eater (check out what that means HERE) brings all those aspects together, and gives you the body space and brain space to live a life beyond “what to eat.”
It is not easy to reconnect to your body and your hunger signals. When in doubt, treat your body with respect and compassion. Take pride in fuelling it, not depriving it. Again, GET CURIOUS. Learn how your body tells you it’s hungry, and listen.
“Unlike dieting, which tends to be about restricting ourselves and trying to override our bodies’ instincts, intuitive eating is about self-compassion and trusting our bodies…”
Kristen Murry in an article, Intuitive Eating Is a Happier and Healthier Way to Eat—Here’s How to Begin, for Real Simple
Last but certainly not least, contrary to popular belief, your body is supporting you. At every moment of every day, your body is working for you, with you, and because of you. You and your body are on the same side after all. So, call a truce, come together, and start acting like the teammate and caregiver you are.
It won’t happen overnight, but just start from a place of kindness. Talk to yourself as you would a friend or someone you loved. Choose compassion and curiosity over criticism and judgement. Remember, your body is your home.
Are you listening to your body? Do you know what it is saying? What could you gain if you stopped outsourcing your signals? Freedom? Confidence? Self-Acceptance? Peace? You deserve all those things. It is hard to listen to your body when we are so used to being told what to do, feel, eat, experience, etc. But inside of you, there is a wealth of knowledge, information, and wisdom. It’s time to tap into it.
All of this is easier said than done. It takes work and love. It takes trial and growth, but you are so capable. And you are not alone. You are worth investing in. Give yourself grace. Dig deep, and get support if you need it. You body knows what it needs, are you ready to start listening?