all things anti-diet, lifestyle, and self-love from your favorite intuitive eating coach

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Ditching Dieting

Body Image Healing

Tips, Tricks, + Advice


Alexandra scrolling on social media and recognizing her worth beyond the highlight reels that make up the feed.

I started today with a good cry. Just a whole bunch of tears in the car. It wasn’t triggered by anything specific, just a culmination of the pressures and uncertainties weighing on my mind. As I sat there, wiping away the tears, I couldn’t help but think about how different my morning looked compared to […]

Tips, Tricks, & Advice

Social Media Vs. Reality: Navigating Life Beyond Your Feed

Alexandra surrounded by balloons and smiling optimistically, while she celebrates body acceptance.

In a world that often bombards us with unrealistic beauty standards, embracing and accepting our bodies can be a challenging journey. Body acceptance can feel like a pipe dream. The journey toward accepting one’s body is a deeply individual experience. Each person’s relationship with their body is unique, shaped by their personal history, experiences, and […]

Body Image Healing, Tips, Tricks, & Advice

What is Body Acceptance: Navigating Challenges with Curiosity and Self-Love

Coach Alexandra sitting in a coffee shop smiling.

I recently finished enrolling for my program, the Body Love Transformation. This is a four month, 1:1, bespoke, coaching program designed to help you change your life from the inside out. Based on the principles of Intuitive Eating, Health At Every Size, and body acceptance, I usher my clients into a life of food freedom, […]

Tips, Tricks, & Advice

Why Is Coaching Such A Big Investment? Let Me Explain!

This is a picture of Alexandra thoughtfully reading Intuitive Eating by Elise Resch and Evelyn Tribole. She is getting ready to have a "Hot Girl Summer" exactly as she is, no changes necessary.

Every other Tik Tok I watch loudly tells me that I need to have a, “Hot Girl Summer.” So, for starters… What Even Is A “Hot Girl Summer?” After a brief but fruitful search, I found this from Urban Dictionary: “Hot Girl Summer: …A summer full of fun…A summer where you are in charge of […]

Tips, Tricks, & Advice

How I’m Having A Hot Girl Summer Without Needing To Change My Body.

Embodying being loving Your Body and being it's friend by listening to the signals that it sends

Your Body is Talking, Are You Listening? In today’s world, we are inundated with information, opinions, and ideas.  There is an endless stream of outside sources (informed and uninformed) telling you what you should, shouldn’t, can, can’t, will, and won’t do.  But what if we started looking within for guidance? It might seem cliche to […]

Body Image Healing, Ditching Dieting, How To, Tips, Tricks, & Advice, Uncategorized

3 Things Your Body Might Be Telling You

3 Secrets of Hunger Cues that everyone misses

Picking Up Cues Hunger cues can be tricky. Hunger is one of the most basic, biological, primal parts of being human.  Think of your body like an amazing car.  You need fuel to make your car go, and with cars, you try not to push it.  You watch the fuel meter and you don’t usually […]

Ditching Dieting, How To, Tips, Tricks, & Advice

3 Secrets of Hunger Cues That Everyone Misses

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