all things anti-diet, lifestyle, and self-love from your favorite intuitive eating coach

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Ditching Dieting

Body Image Healing

Tips, Tricks, + Advice


Embodying being loving Your Body and being it's friend by listening to the signals that it sends

Your Body is Talking, Are You Listening? In today’s world, we are inundated with information, opinions, and ideas.  There is an endless stream of outside sources (informed and uninformed) telling you what you should, shouldn’t, can, can’t, will, and won’t do.  But what if we started looking within for guidance? It might seem cliche to […]

Body Image Healing, Ditching Dieting, How To, Tips, Tricks, & Advice, Uncategorized

3 Things Your Body Might Be Telling You

Alexandra in three similar photos, looking happy and carefree. This is because of the freedom and happiness she has gained from Intuitive Eating.

One of the most common questions I get is about Intuitive Eating. What is it? Recently, it has been buzzing around the internet a bit. But, most people have either never heard of it or have no idea what it is. Honestly, if you had asked me a year ago, I wouldn’t have known what […]

Ditching Dieting, Uncategorized

What Intuitive Eating Means to Me

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