I recently finished enrolling for my program, the Body Love Transformation. This is a four month, 1:1, bespoke, coaching program designed to help you change your life from the inside out. Based on the principles of Intuitive Eating, Health At Every Size, and body acceptance, I usher my clients into a life of food freedom, peace with their bodies, and a newfound sense of empowerment to live healthfully and authentically.
It’s a pretty remarkable program, if i do say so myself. And the transformations my clients are experiencing are honestly beyond words.
But, I know that the number one thing that holds people back from getting support is the investment.
So I wanted to offer some transparency and honesty about why my programs are priced the way they are, and why I think it’s important.
Btw, this post was 100% inspired by Sarah Kleist, web-designer extraordinaire. A while, back she wrote a blog post about why web-design is expensive. It resonated with me and has lived rent free in my brain ever since. So, check out her blog for major wisdom & inspiration.
I know it’s scary to make a big investment, whether it’s an Intuitive Eating Counselor or Body Image Coach, web design, or a business coach. It can feel like a leap of faith.
But the most powerful things in life often start as the most scary. 🤯
Stop underestimating yourself and shoot your shot. Investing in yourself might be the surest way to really change the game.
But if you still feel wary of investing in a coach, let me explain…
Here’s the thing, I’ve been in your shoes. The reason you are even considering investing in a coach is because you are stuck. You know you want more, but you are spinning your wheels to get there.
Especially in terms of food freedom and body image.
I don’t know one person who is completely satisfied with their relationshop with food and their body. Maybe it’s an on again, off again diet cycle, an all or nothing workout program, discomfort in your body and what you see in the mirror, binging, or the feeling of never being good enough. Maybe it’s noticing body changes that are scary, feeling like you’ve “let yourself go,” or even an overwhelming fixation on being healthy to the point of missing out on life.
Whatever is keeping you stuck, the benefit of working with a coach like me, is the value I can offer.
Yes, it is an investment, but what that means is when you invest in yourself, the return (or what you get back) is so much more.
In a study on positive body image in the National Library of Medicine, it was asserted that, “Individuals with positive body image reported less depression, higher self-esteem, fewer unhealthy dieting behaviors… Results suggest that positive body image has significant implications for health and well-being beyond objective body size. Health care providers should encourage positive body image because of its potential health benefits.”
Furthermore, numerous studies have been done about Intuitive Eating, which have shown many positive health outcomes, such as:
And those don’t even account for the value of having a trained coach in your corner.
The bottom line is what you are investing in has real, tangible value. Investing in my coaching is an investment that will get you the authentic health benefits of a positive relationship with food, your body, and yourself.
I think we have all been fed unrealistic expectations.
You probably blame yourself and your will power for you body image and food struggles. You don’t trust yourself and you are ashamed of where you are.
The truth is we are never taught to operate outside of diet mentality. We are never taught to operate from a place of trust and empowerment. So, it makes sense that you are stuck & frustrated.
I get it, because I’ve been there too.
It was a struggle I dealt with for years of my life.
I punished and blamed myself and my body for not fitting the mold, and I felt shame for not doing enough to change that.
But, when I finally hit my rock bottom, looked around, and changed my life.
That was when I invested in myself with a coach, and finally found my way to peace, balance, freedom, and authentic health.
It took me over ten years of personal trials and tribulations, a whole lot of healing work, and a slew of trainings and certifications to get me where I am now – ready to support you. Plus, I am always reading, attending classes, and furthering my education to stay at the forefront of my field.
When you invest in yourself by investing in a coach, you are also getting all my expertise and experience. You are getting my education and my dedication to bringing you the best, most relevant information.
I do the work, so that you can reap the benefits. You are investing in a coach that has a lot to bring to the table.
Each of us is different. You have unique struggles, a unique history, and unique desires.
The wellness and diet industry as a whole preach a cookie cutter model that you are supposed to follow. There is good and bad, or this and that, and no space in the middle.
But authentic health, a balance relationship with food, and a positive body image are not black and white.
There is no magical formula or a genie with a magic lamp.
Achieving these things takes time, work, attention, accountability, honesty, compassion, and dedication. And that is exactly what I offer my clients.
By investing in yourself with me, you are getting the full process, start to finish, catered to your needs and desires, that meets you exactly where you are.
So, the investment is high, because you are getting an extremely high level of support.
Additionally, an investment like this give you the incentive to really give the process your all. Having some skin in the game is a powerful thing. I know in my experiences both as a coach and as a coaching client, investing monetarily translates to some major investment mentally.
You could sign up for every free offer on the internet but nothing is as powerful as investing in yourself.
Plus, this type of commitment allows both you and me to show up fully and ready to work. It directly translates to the results and transformation you will see.
Running a business is a costly endeavor. There are a lot of behind-the-scenes expenses that go into a coaching business like mine.
Broken down, I see a max of 36% of the money that you pay for my programs (honestly even that feels higher then usual, but it’s an average). The rest goes to taxes and reoccurring subscriptions like website costs, Wave Financial fees, and so much more. Not to mention continuing education costs. From courses to seminars, workshops to further certifications.
All lot goes into not only keeping my business running, but also keeping it running in a way that offers you the best experience from start to finish.
Right about now, you are probably thinking, “I get it, but that doesn’t change my situation.”
Well, I hear you.
Just because the cost or investment of my services make sense, doesn’t mean that you are ready to sign up.
So here some other options…
Like I mentioned before, the doors just closed for this round of 1:1 coaching clients with me. So, if you have been considering it or dreaming of making a change like this in your life, now is an amazing time to start saving up.
Money is what you make of it. So make yourself and your future a priority – you won’t regret it.
You are worthy of investing in yourself, and the changes you experience through my programs will propel you forward with confidence, clarity, self-trust, and empowerment.
Download my pricing guide here & start getting your financials in order to give yourself this gift.
Beyond my 1:1 coaching program, the Body Love Transformation, and my group coaching program, Body Love Fundamentals, I also offer a 90-minute intensive called, the Body Love Blueprint.
This is a lower ticket offer (only $199) to jumpstart your journey & get you on the path that you’ve been searching for. In this 90 minute call you will get clarity, direction, and tangible next steps to move forward with, with some serious 1:1 support.
It’s a great way to get to know my coaching & see what is possible for you!
I also offer a mini-course called, Building Body Love, all about cultivating a more loving and compassionate relationship with your body. It not only gives you some insight and understanding of body image and how you relate to you body, but also gives you practical tools to move through those really tough body image moments.
This self-paced course is only $49.99! Plus you’ll get lifetime access to use it as much as you want.
The internet is also full of amazing resources to offer you guidance and ideas when it comes to Inutitive Eating and body image healing (although make sure you are vetting the resources you come across as safe, trustworthy, and reliable).
Some places you can find get free or free-ish resources from me are:
Or you can follow me on Instagram! I’m always posting and sharing insight there.
Get in touch with me! I would love to support you.