all things anti-diet, lifestyle, and self-love from your favorite intuitive eating coach

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Ditching Dieting

Body Image Healing

Tips, Tricks, + Advice


If this past year has taught me anything it’s that we desperately need change.  The ways we existed up until this point were never acceptable, and the time has come for change. Change in the world, change in the way we treat ourselves, and change in the way we treat others. But how does Radical […]

Body Image Healing, Ditching Dieting, Inspiration

What is Radical Self-Love?

Three pictures are side by side. Each shows Alexandra is walking down a tree lined path. In each photo she gets closer to the camera. These photos represent her motivation to keep moving forward.

Okay, real talk, I don’t always feel motivated. Sometimes I don’t want to do anything at all, and sometimes I honor that. But, other times, I find the motivation. How do we know when to rest and when to push? What motivates you? Have you ever struggled with motivation? If your answer is yes, I’ve […]


The Motivation Conversation

Alexandra in three similar photos, looking happy and carefree. This is because of the freedom and happiness she has gained from Intuitive Eating.

One of the most common questions I get is about Intuitive Eating. What is it? Recently, it has been buzzing around the internet a bit. But, most people have either never heard of it or have no idea what it is. Honestly, if you had asked me a year ago, I wouldn’t have known what […]

Ditching Dieting, Uncategorized

What Intuitive Eating Means to Me

This picture collage, of Alexandra looking serious and smiling serves to further illustrate both the struggle and the joy of the journey to healing our body image. Its not about perfection, but progress.

What does it mean to measure up? What scale do we measure ourselves against? As we break away from dieting and the culture of destructive health and wellness, how do we measure our worth? Without the points, the macros, the BMI, the restriction, the calorie burn, what measurements are there? When I’m not coaching or […]

Body Image Healing

Measure Up

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